Monday, October 26, 2009

Last Weekend for Bats in the Belfry

We had a good long run, but it still seems like it went by so fast! I had a great time getting know so many new actors and actress that each have a very unique style! It was a little bitter sweet on the last day for Marcus and I, we both realized that we wouldn't be acting in a play together again for a few months. I will however be doing make-up on his next show A Carol for Tiny Tim! I'm very excited!
I had my doubts about the play when we first started rehearsing only because it's written a little weird, but everyone brought it to life and we had great performances! I'll miss everyone!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Full Weekend!

To start off...
Had another great weekend with Bats in the Belfry! Our audiences were fabulous and Marcus and I changed up our costumes! We went with a Cry Baby theme and the hair style gave me a chance to try out the Bump It... which I loved! Last weekend for the show is approching, so if you havent seen it yet make your way to the theatre! New costumes are instore from Marcus and I!

Saturday was another shower for Bighton! Justin was invited to this one! They got a lot of gifts this go around also!! We had some fun games and good food and an amazing cake Ida made! He's going to be loaded with so much stuff when he gets out! Here are a few pics!

Grandpa is goiing to this outfit!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Paranormal Day

So I had voice yesterday and while I was warming up with my teacher I went an octave!! Woo!

Later in the day I went to the movies with Marcus and saw Paranormal Activity.....
It was the scariest movie I've seen ALL year! I love ghosts stories and paranormal things like that, but this was FREAKY!! If you haven't seen it, you should... well if you can handle scary ghosts and demon stories... Like The Exorcism of Emily Rose and The Blare Witch Project don't go see this one!
It was very well made and the two actors in the movie did a great job! Marcus even thought it was a true story when it first started!
Anyway, don't go see it alone for sure and don't go when you want to sleep that night...
I give the movie an A!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bats in the Belfry:Opening weekend

This past weekend was the opening weekend for my most recent play Bats in the Belfry! We had a pretty good turn out despite a football game on in town on Friday and a special presentation by Betty Buckley at the college on Saturday. Sunday's are always a small audience day.
Marcus and I had so much fun with our parts, but next weekend we're shaking it up with new costumes and a "Cry Baby" feel. Still haven't seen the review for the show, but it should be coming out today! Here are a few of our publicity pictures! Minus Marcus.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Brighton's first shower

Saturday was the first baby shower for Brighton LaRusch (due Nov 24)! He got lots of stuff to help his mom and dad get ready for him, such as two car seats (infant and regular), his high chair, stroller, and lots of other goodies! We're having another one on the 17th! By then Brighton should be set! Here are just a few pictures from that day!

Friday, October 2, 2009

80's night at rehearsal

So Bats In The Belfry opens next weekend... We've been rehearsing since August and it's finally "hell week". Marcus and I are only on stage for a couple of scenes, so we try to find different things to entertain ourselves while we're not busy.
The past couple of nights at rehearsal we've been practicing the Thriller dance for curtain call. Wednesday Marc and I decided we would be prepared for Thursday's dance practice. After we were finished with our scenes we went back stage to change into our work clothes....

We figured since we were learning a dance from the 80's why not wear 80's work out gear. It certainly made our night's rehearsal so much better and we both agreed that this was probably the best idea we've ever had.

We were more energized when we put on the outfits and it makes me wonder what life would be like if we always wore costumes... Marcus and I would always be energized to an overwhelming degree if that were to happen!

All in all it was the most fun Marc and I have had at these rehearsal yet! More to come!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Kidd's Kids!

Help send 53 special needs/chronically and terminally ill kids and their families on the vacation of a life time to Disney Land! Great charity! Donate Now and read more at!